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Know Your Worth

When I first started out on Niteflirt, I set my listings at .75 cents for the first two months. I wanted to drum up attention with the...

Creativity Needs No Permission

I follow a lot of sex workers online. I mean, no shit right? I guess I would being as I am one. There is one particular type of tweet I...

Don't Get Got Part 2

The second and final part on how to not get scammed when looking for the financial dominatrix of your dreams. As promised, this one's for...

Don't Get Got Part 1

This is going to be a two part post on how to fiscally navigate the warm waters of sins of the flesh, a.k.a. tips for not getting scammed...

Why Findomme?

First website, first sex blog, first post. I was going to have the first post be about what findom is, but financial domination is almost...

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